
No New Posts

in lieu of traditional activity checks, a new prompt will be announced every few weeks. questions asked about random events, opinions or scenarios will be posed, so get as creative as you'd like with your character's answer.

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Status    Subject Created By Replies Views Last Post
BookmarkLockedFalling . v5 basics
administrator 0 581 by administrator
Feb 26, 2013 23:20:45 GMT -6
BookmarkLockedFalling . intro
administrator 0 208 by administrator
Feb 26, 2013 23:20:01 GMT -6
BookmarkLockedFalling . rules
administrator 0 936 by administrator
Jan 23, 2013 21:06:28 GMT -6
BookmarkLockedFalling . plot
administrator 0 221 by administrator
Jan 23, 2013 21:07:52 GMT -6
BookmarkLockedFalling . member groups
administrator 0 279 by administrator
Jan 23, 2013 21:10:31 GMT -6

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Board Description
the basics
from rodeo drive to fifth avenue, hollywood to wall street, LA and NYC aren't separated by much more than the miles budding stars and young hopefuls cross to pursue their dreams. the lies, lust, fame and vanity can either break you or make you, as addicting as they are scathing. be careful how you move in the midnight cities.
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